New Website: Raven Creek Longhorns
Holly Peacock
| Feb 15, 2024
About Raven Creek Longhorns:
Animals/Breed: Texas Longhorns
Location: Benton, Pennsylvania
Contact: Dayton Hess
"Raven Creek Longhorns is located in Northeast Pennsylvania, outside the small town of Benton. We are blessed to have the beautiful stream of Raven Creek span through approximately a one mile stretch of our pastures.
We started raising registered Texas Longhorns in early 2022. Our goal is to produce the complete package Texas Longhorns by utilizing what we believe is the best genetic pairings we can. We have enjoyed where this adventure has taken us so far and can’t wait to see where it takes us in the future.
Dayton, Britni, Wrenley, & Wayde Hess"
Check out their new website here and follow them on Facebook!
About the Raven Creek Longhorns website:
Set-Up/Design: Mix & Match
Functionality Package: Buckaroo
Raven Creek Longhorns chose a Mix & Match design to display their herd and breeding program. Check out their herd, sale pen, and more on their new website. Welcome to the #HiredHandPowered team!
Check out the new Raven Creek Longhorns website:
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