Website Design Examples
Simple Template:
Our simple template is just how it sounds - simple! You are allowed to choose 1 primary and 1 secondary color for their website. A logo or brand that you supply to us will be placed at the top of the page above the menu. Our simple templates lack featured photos, icons or modules and other visually pleasing aesthetics that our Mix & Match and Custom Designed sites offer.
D and L Ranch
Genesis 1 Farms
Beaver Branch Cattle Co
100 Acre Wood Highlands
Hutton Cattle Company
Flying C Longhorns
Mix & Match:
Our Mix and Match designs allow a wide variety of choices for customers. The next step up from our Simple Templates, Mix and Match designs offer a wider selection of textures and fonts as well as feature icons or modules to direct traffic to the most important aspects of your website. Custom photos can be added to the design to add visual appeal to your homepage.
Siller Land and Longhorns
HNB Longhorns
Southeastern Texas Longhorn Association
4W Longhorns
Raven Creek Longhorns
Double D Cattle Co
Custom Design:
Our custom design is also just like how it sounds - custom! With your custom designed website the sky is the limit. We will take your unique vision and develop a website to match it. Many of our custom websites feature videos and image sliders. Our custom designs are especially great for businesses and multi-breed ranches.
Cold Copper Cattle Co
Hudson Longhorns
Harry's Heritage Beef
McEntire Farms
Laid Back Ranch
Double Dime Longhorns
Green Pastures Cattle Co
Twin Creeks Ranch