Simple Template: Cross Wrench Ranch
Holly Peacock
| Feb 16, 2024
About Cross Wrench Ranch:
Animals/Breed: Texas Longhorns
Location: New Market, Maryland
Contact: John Moxley
"Welcome to Cross Wrench Ranch, home of John and Suzanne Moxley. We are located in New Market, Maryland and have been actively raising Registered Texas Longhorns since 2000. In that time, we have grown our herd and now raise between 40-60 Registered Texas longhorns and farm 130 acres. During the show season, you can find at numerous regional shows and at The ITLA Championship show where we have been privileged to win with 2 all age Grand Champion steers, a Grand Champion Bull and a Grand Champion Cow. Semen is available from our Champion Bull CWR Reddi Edge with over 92" horn and weighing nearly a ton."
Check out their new website here and follow them on Facebook!
About the Cross Wrench Ranch website:
Set-Up/Design: Simple Template
Functionality Package: Buckaroo
Cross Wrench Ranch chose a Simple Template design to display their herd and breeding program. Check out their herd, sale pen, and more on their new website. Welcome to the #HiredHandPowered team!
Check out the new Cross Wrench Ranch website:
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