Custom Website: Diamond B Longhorns
Holly Peacock
| Mar 13, 2023
About Diamond B Longhorns:
Animals/Breed: Texas Longhorns
Location: Amarillo, Texas
Contact: Collin Wyatt, Ranch Manager
"Diamond B Ranch was founded like many other programs in the industry, for the love of beautiful longhorns. We all know that a single longhorn in the pasture multiplies quickly, and for us, that first longhorn turned into a passion. Soon, a few head built a large herd and became a working ranch. We are located in the heart of the Texas Panhandle; while the grass is not always greener here, it is nutrient-rich and grows healthy, happy cattle. In 2021, we purchased our main herd sire, Cut’N Dried, and will be building our future around his boast-worthy genetics (sire: Cowboy Tuff Chex, dam: Dragon Pearl). We are not only excited about our future, but we truly love this breed."
Check out their new website here!
About the Diamond B Longhorns website:
Set-Up/Design: Custom
Functionality Package: Wrangler
Diamond B Longhorns chose a Custom design to display their herd and breeding program. Check out their herd, search page, and more on their new website. Welcome to the #HiredHandPowered team!
Check out the new Diamond B Longhorns website:
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