Website Launch: Twin Cedars Cattle Co.
Holly Peacock
| Oct 06, 2022

About Twin Cedars Cattle Co.:
Animals/Breed: Texas Longhorns
Location: Chatham, Virginia
Contact: Sam & Heather Bray
"we hooked up the trailer and headed back up to the stockyard to retrieve our purchases. Our plan was that we would just let the cows out in the back pasture that was adjacent to the other farmers' angus cattle. The fencing was three strands of high tensile and barely waist high. When we opened the trailer the cattle eased off and immediately put their heads down to graze. We looked at each other and I know we both thought, well that was easy enough. But, no sooner than had the thought crossed our minds, things took a turn for the worst. The bigger tri-colored cow walked over to the fence line and jumped, completely clearing the fence like a world champion Hanoverian. The little heifer was not far behind and there they went as we watched in utter surprise."
Read their whole story on their new website here and follow them on Facebook and Instagram!
About the Twin Cedars Cattle Co. website:
Set-Up/Design: Mix & Match
Functionality Package: Buckaroo
Twin Cedars Cattle Co. chose a Mix & Match design to display their herd and breeding program. Check out their herd, sale pen, and more on their new website. Welcome to the #HiredHandPowered team!
Check out the new Twin Cedars Cattle Co. website:
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