New Website: Rienhardt Ranch
Holly Peacock
| Jul 26, 2022

About Rienhardt Ranch:
Animals/Breed: Texas Longhorns
Location: Lafayette, New York
Contact: McKenzie Rienhardt
"Mike and Joyce Rienhardt have been together for over thirty years and are the fifth generation of their family to be involved in agriculture. They have built the foundation of their family on the industry. Originally, coming from dairy farming and teaching backgrounds, the family now keeps a full plate running a financial education firm and the family ranch. Mike and Joyce have raised three beautiful children, Mackenzie, Zachary, and Laura, and have been blessed to lay their roots in the foothills of the finger lakes region of upstate New York.
The Rienhardt family has had much involvement in the dairy industry as a whole. Building an awesome herd of Holsteins and Brown Swiss from the ground up, they have had the opportunity to raise cattle and show while focusing primarily on the genetics side of breeding. After selling out of their family dairy in 2017, they took a brief hiatus to slow down and enjoy life with their growing children. However, agriculture has always been a foundational part of the family.
Rienhardt Ranch & Why-Am-I Cattle Co. was established in the summer of 2021 when the family decided they would like to pursue cattle again."
Check out their new website here and follow them on Facebook and Instagram!
About the Rienhardt Ranch website:
Set-Up/Design: Mix & Match
Functionality Package: Buckaroo
Brushwood Rose Ranch chose a Mix & Match design to display their herd and breeding program. Check out their herd, sale pen, and more on their new website. Welcome to the #HiredHandPowered team!
Check out the new Rienhardt Ranch website:
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