Cantera Cattle Company is Live
Holly Peacock
| Jun 29, 2021

About Cantera Cattle Company:
Animals/Breed: Texas Longhorns
Location: Wichita Falls, Texas
Contact: Cantera Cattle
"When we got into this, I remember telling Bryan, my son, 'If we’re going to do this, I want to do it right'. So we set out to establish a foundation herd that has some of the absolute strongest and most sought after bloodlines in the industry. We won’t ever be the biggest breeder in the industry, but my hope is that people will hear about us and think 'Oh yeah, they’ve got a great program with some awesome cows'." - Bob Hines
Check out their new website and follow them on Facebook!
About the Cantera Cattle Company website:
Set-Up/Design: Mix & Match
Functionality Package: Buckaroo
Cantera Cattle Company chose our popular Mix & Match design to display their herd. Check out their breeding program and embryos on their new website! Welcome to the #HiredHandPowered team!
Check out the new Cantera Cattle Company website:
Find more examples of Mix & Match websites
Find more examples of Texas Longhorn websites
Does your ranch need a website to showcase your Texas Longhorns and their powerful pedigrees?
Hired Hand's talented team will professionally design and develop (or
even redesign) your website to meet your ranch's unique needs. Our
websites allow you to easily update the site completely on your own with
easy to use, unique, time-saving features at an affordable price. Chat with us to see if a Hired Hand Website is for you!