D and L Ranch is Now Live
Holly Peacock
| Apr 23, 2020
About D and L Ranch:
Animals/Breed: Texas Longhorns
Location: Lexington, Tennessee
Contact: Danny and Leslie Eddings
"Tucked away in the country in Lexington, TN, between Nashville and Memphis, D & L Ranch is truly a family business. Danny and Leslie Eddings along with their longhorn cattle call their ranch home
The family farm has been in operation for at least six generations. While we have humble beginnings, starting our ranch with one horse named Firefly, a flock of chickens and a goat named Roxy, 2010 was the beginning of our story."
Read the rest of their story on their website!
About the D and L Ranch website:
Set Up/Design: Simple Template
Functionality Package: Buckaroo
D and L Ranch customized their Simple Template website by adding a Sale Pen page and a Ranch Photos page. Welcome to the #HiredHandPowered team, D and L Ranch!
Check out the new D and L Ranch website: DandLRanch.com
Find more examples of Simple Template websites
Find more examples of Texas Longhorn websites
Want to showcase your Longhorn pedigrees and your ranch's breeding program to other breeders?
Hired Hand's talented team will professionally design and develop (or even redesign) your website to meet your ranch's unique needs. Our websites allow you to easily update the site completely on your own with easy to use, unique, time-saving features at an affordable price. Chat with us to see if a Hired Hand Website is for you!