
Fritz Longhorns Website Launch

by Holly Peacock | Jan 08, 2020

About​ ​​Fritz Longhorns:

​Aniamls/Breed: Texas Longhorn cattle
​​​Corsicana, Texas
Michael & Elizabeth Fritz

"We don't compromise on any facet of the longhorn breed. We strive for color, conformation, horn, and pedigree. Both a good temperament and mothering ability are vital.

We love these animals and treat them as part of our family.

As such, we take great care in selecting members of our herd. Our foundation cows have diverse genetics and each carries traits we want to pass on to the next generation. Our heifers come from great stock and we believe they have great potential. Happy 9, our herd sire, is the product of Cowboy Tuff Chex, the world record longest tip-to-tip bull, and M Arrow Cha-Ching, the industry's longest total horn cow. Not only will Happy pass along great horn, but he's also proven his ability to pass along color, size, and conformation. He is on his way to stardom...."


About​ the ​​Fritz Longhorns website:

Set Up/Design: ​​​Mix & Match
Functionality Package: Foreman

Fritz Longhorns customized their Mix & Match design to include a deep contrast of color on their website and a unique way to highlight their logo. They also included a photo gallery page to showcase more of their animals and ranch in a visually appealing way (check out their Facebook for more great photography). This bold and clean design works great with their ranch's branding. Welcome to the #HiredHandPowered team!

Check out the new ​​​Fritz Longhorns website:

Find more examples of Mix & Match ​websites
Find more examples of Texas Longhorn websites



Want to showcase your Longhorn pedigrees and your ranch's breeding program to other breeders? 


Hired Hand's talented team will professionally design and develop (or even redesign) your website to meet your ​​ranch's unique needs. Our websites allow you to easily update the site completely on your own with easy to use, unique, time-saving features at an affordable price. Chat with us to see if a Hired Hand Website is for you!

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