Pecan Creek Longhorns
Holly Peacock
| Jul 06, 2018
Pecan Creek Longhorns was established in 2015 by Mike and Pat Mills and their sons Nick and Lance. Born and raised in Taylor, Texas, a small agriculture rich community NE of Austin, it came as no surprise to Pat when Mike told her he was interested in raising Longhorns. Soon after, that dream became a reality and a family partnership was formed. After receiving recommendations from friends in the business, Pecan Creek Longhorns decided on developing their herd with registered Longhorns because of their unique qualities and highly sought-after breed recognition. Their goal is simple: build a solid, reputable program from the ground up, from some of the most complete animals in the industry, that anyone would be proud to own.
View more about Pecan Creek Longhorns on their new website:
About the Pecan Creek Longhorns website:
Set Up/Design: Semi-Custom
Functionality Package: Buckaroo
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