Holly Peacock
| Jul 17, 2019
We had the opportunity to interview our #HiredHandCustomer Stacey Schumacher of Schumacher Cattle Company and ask her some questions about her social media marketing strategies.
Schumacher Cattle, LLC's Facebook page has over 260,000 followers and generates engagement numbers in the hundreds, sometimes thousands, every day. Read below for some insider tips on how they generate business for their Texas Longhorn ranch using Facebook.
How have you achieved success with social marketing?
"Any type [of] social media is a process. Overnight success doesn't happen. Our FB page started in 2011, so any success we have has been over a number of years. We post new material each day. We try to have new, fun posts as well as educational ones. We have found that the posts that feature Scott's farming, Angus cows and our processes on the farm are not as successful or interesting as those that feature Longhorns. Our FB family, like all of us, loves our Longhorn cows! My suggestion would be to stay with it and be consistent. Most pages I see that are successful are painting a picture of their brand, their product or their business through the pictures and stories they tell online. Those pictures make me want to buy/to learn more about them."
What are a few things to focus on when getting started in paid social marketing?
"FB analytics and the way that you pay to promote your posts is always changing. Literally, daily changes are made to the way FB users are segmented. We have a key set of items that we target with each post. Once we boost any post, we monitor our page carefully. If users post profanity or content we feel is inappropriate, we either hide their comments or ban them from our page. By using paid advertising, you do get a large mix of individuals who might not normally seek your site. While that is good in many ways, it can also reach consumers that are not your target audience."
How do you establish a budget for different types of paid posts?
"Our budget for posts is determined simply by our advertising budget for the month. Since FB is by opportunity for people to see the ads, the cost can be very low initially."
What goals do you focus on with social marketing? Getting more follows, likes, website traffic, etc.?
"With social marketing, getting more follows also means more website traffic and more purchases. We always refer people back to our site for more information. All the things that the marketing does work hand in hand. More follows means more sales many times."
Do you have any other tips for social media marketing?
"I'm not sure that there are any insider secrets that we have, but I'd always suggest good, quality pictures and authentic content that people will easily understand or be interested by. Today's consumer wants authenticity, and they seek to find a picture of what real ranching looks like."
Follow Stacey and her family on their Texas Longhorn Journey on their ranch Facebook back,
Schumacher Cattle, LLC (Texas Longhorns) and view their #HiredHandPowered website at
What are some of your favorite tried and true social media marketing tips? Tell us in the comments below!