Molly Clubb
| Jun 19, 2017
Since the beginning of 2017 Hired Hand has been compiling additional sales data and sharing it via our Blog and Mobile Marketing program. We plan to continue to share these stats from future consignment sales as well. We hope that they will be beneficial to breeders and show Industry sales trends. We welcome your feedback and requests.
Please find below some additional Texas Mid Year Blowout Sale results courtesy of your friends at Hired Hand*:
Texas Mid Year Blowout Sale Results:
- 83/87 lots sold for a total of $212,050 and an average of $2,356.
- Top 5 lots average: $7,400
- Top 10 lots average: $6,040
Hired Hand Live Internet Influence on the Texas Mid Year Blowout Sale:
- 27 lots sold on Hired Hand Live for a total of $41,400 for an average of $1533
- There were 15 on-line buyers of 27 lots.
- 22.7% of all bids came from Hired Hand Live
- 30% of winning bids and 19.5% of total sale value came from Hired Hand Live
- 75.6% of items were up-bid by Hired Hand Live
- Lot 47 had the most internet views going into the sale at 257 unique views. She sold for $8,500 which was the 2nd high selling lot. She sold to a live bidder, not the internet.
- The high selling internet lot was Lot 17 for $3,000 to Mr. Harold Claver
Other Interesting Sale Averages*:
- 0-2 year olds: $2,147
- 3-5 year olds: $2,608
- 70-79" TTT average: $3,325
- 3-in-1 average: $1,675
- Heifer Calf at side average: $2,825
- Bred cow average: $2,423
Popular Sires*:
These were the top 5 sires with at least 2 offspring selling. Their offsprings averages are listed below starting with the highest average.
- Cowboy Tuff Chex $3,900
- Sittin Bull $3,687
- ZD Jamadan $3,107
- Iron Mike ST $2,875
- JP Rio Grande $2,735
These are the top 5 sires based on offspring value, no minimum # of offspring selling and not based on averages:
- WS Jamakizm
- Tempter
- Sittin Bull
- Rio Grande Chex
- ZD Jamadan
Popular Maternal Grand Sires* :
These were 5 Maternal Grand Sires with more than one Grand Daughter selling and these are their averages.
These are the top 5 Maternal Grand sires based on offspring value, no minimum # of offspring selling and not based on averages:
- Crown's Smoke Jumper
- Don Julio
- Coachwhip
- Cowboy Chex
- LLL Lucky
Popular Service Sires*:
These were the top 3 Service Sires by value of their averages with at least 2 Grand Daughters selling. Averages are shown below starting with the highest.
These are the top 5 service sires based on offspring value, no minimum # of offspring selling and not based on averages:
- Tuff Thunderbolt SRC
- Delta Lucky Ace/High Caliber SRC (was not announced which one)
- ZD Jamadan
- High Caliber SRC
- JP Rio Grande
* Please note that this data is based off what was printed in the sale catalog and announced in the ring. It is not official data endorsed by the sale.
For more information on adding Hired Hand's services to your next sale please contact Molly at 319-269-8903 or visit