Laura Huff
| Feb 26, 2016
Texas Longhorn sale season is in full swing. As animals of every breed are sold at auction or through private treaty, it is important to let your buyers know their purchase is appreciated. Making a customer feel recognized for supporting your ranch could even lead to future business between you!
Here are just a few of the ways to show your gratitude and the special perks of each option.
A Handwritten Note
It is easy to have custom cards created just for the purpose of thanking your livestock buyers. Put your logo on a set with a blank interior and take the time to write out a "thank you". Handwritten thanks are becoming less and less popular and are sure to make you stand out.
An E-blast
E-blasts are e-mail messages created by Hired Hand and delivered to our list of industry contacts. This method of "thanks" is a way to reach out in a timely manner. Not to mention, by sending an e-mail message out to many people in the breed, you are advertising for yourself AND your buyer. Adding links and photos that lead back to both of your Hired Hand websites will bring extra traffic to them.
A Magazine Ad
If you have sold multiple animals in a short amount of time, a magazine ad could be the perfect way to thank all your buyers at once. You can list multiple customer names, sale names and feature photos of the animals or buyers if you choose.

A Facebook Post
Using Facebook to announce the transfer of your animal to a fellow breeder is easy and cost effective. This approach also allows for interaction to happen with others on social media. Our word of advice with this strategy is to follow up with your buyer on a more personal level, as many people don't see Facebook posts as a very thoughtful method of showing gratitude.

Image from the Facebook Page of Schumacher Cattle, LLC.
A Gift
Sending a small gift to your buyer, or presenting it at the time of delivery/pickup is another great idea. By putting your ranch logo on items like a hat, they will be reminded of their experience with you. Custom products like this are one of a kind and are great for building relationships and a brand at the same time.
Image from the Facebook Page of G&G Longhorns.
An Instagram Post
Instagram is a great place for to share photos of yourself with the new owners of your animal. Through the use of hashtags and location abilities, you are able to drive viewers to both of your ranch websites for more information.
Image from the Instagram account of Struthoff Ranch.