Laura Huff
| Oct 20, 2015
From October 1-3 Molly & Jaymie attended the Horn Showcase in Lawton, Oklahoma. They had a booth to assist current and new customers by answering questions and demonstrating with phones and laptops. Molly and Jaymie also took the sale to internet viewers and bidders via
Hired Hand Live. Hundreds of breeders received Mobile Marketing updates of sale prices throughout the day as well.
A shot of the full house for auction day, including a view of the Hired Hand booth all set up to broadcast the action via Hired Hand Live.
Customer Nancy Dunn of
Rolling D Ranch received her first ever bronze. Congratulations Nancy!
Scott Hughes (left) and Aaron Adkins (right) are part of the Carolina Cartel and had one of the high selling lots in the Horn Showcase Sale. They are pictured here surrounding Larry Barker.
Mike Beijl,
MB Longhorns shows off the bronze he took home from the Showcase.
Dale Hunt,
Rockin H Longhorns was pedigree reader for the Horn Showcase Sale. To his left is Kurt Killgore of
Killgore Longhorns, who served as a Futurity Judge.
Customer Brian Varner of
Longhorn Creek Ranch was another first-time bronze winner!
Horn Showcase Sale Chair Tom Smith with our customer Tony Mangold of
Rockin' I Longhorns. Huge thank you to Tom for utilizing our
Hired Hand Live online bidding and broadcasting services!
See more of our Horn Showcase photos on our
Facebook Page.