Kennen Northern Whitetails
Laura Huff
| Jul 16, 2015
Kennen Northern Whitetails is an example of a website we converted from an old design, freshening up the look and using the power of Hired Hand to make all of their Whitetail deer pedigrees interactive complete with photos, offspring, measurements and more!
Kennen Northern Whitetails
Conversion, Buckaroo
Ryan & Derek Kennen
Birchwood, Wisconsin

The site design of Kennen Northern Whitetails uses a great pop of red and a homepage showing off a few of their great bucks! They strive to provide great care to their herd on a daily basis and spend many hours working towards that goal.
The Kennen family encourage visitors to come to their ranch and experience the facilities first hand. They are proud of the healthy, strong genetics they have been able to produce and want to share that with as many people as possible!
"The Kennen's are wonderful people. They stand behind everything they do and they have a great reputation across the country in the deer farming industry. They do their research and always seem to be a step ahead on the up and coming animals to watch and raise amazing whitetails. We value their friendship and expertise in the market!" -Rachael Moore, Lake Country Whitetails