Molly Clubb
| Nov 04, 2013
We're proud to announce that the website for Mark Hubbell, Hubbell Longhorns is now powered by Hired Hand Software. Mark decided to switch his existing site over to the Hired Hand system a few months ago. He credits Hired Hand's ease of use, powerful interactive pedigrees and the number of Longhorn customers behind it to his reasons for making the change. Previously Mark had to send updates, new photos, etc. over to a web designer and wait for the updates to be completed. Now, with his Hired Hand site he is able to make any updates he wants from any device with internet and can even update his animal information from his smart phone.
Hired Hand was also proud to offer the video found on the Hubbell Longhorns homepage. Mark used this as part of his booth at the 2013 TLBAA Horn Showcase.
"Hubbell Longhorns strives to combine leading edge genetics with time tested production. JP Rio Grande has proven to be both - with his sons and daughters topping the sale ring and dominating the horn measuring measuring contests! Rio has proven to produce the whole package ... horn, color, size, conformation, and disposition. He now has over 50 sons and daughters from 70" to 90" tip to tip and counting!" says Mark.
To view Mark's new website please visit today.
For information on how we can convert your existing website to use Hired Hand Software please contact Molly at or call her at 319-269-8903. You can learn more about Hired Hand by visiting as well.