Whispering Oaks Ranch is now live!
Jaymie Feldmann
| Jul 18, 2013
Nick and Lynn Truxillo began raising Longhorns when they bought their ranch in Cat Springs, TX in 2005. They enjoy raising Texas Longhorns, quarter horses, miniture donkeys and chickens. Their Longhorn herd started out with a bull and a cow/calf pair but quickly turned into a desire to produce exceptional animals.
When Nick and Lynn are not enjoying life on the ranch, they're working at Acosta Sales and Marketing in Houston, TX which provides sales and marketing services to manufactures of consumer packaged goods with focus on the Retail Grocery Trade.
Check out Whispering Oaks Ranch's new website today!
For more information on Hired Hand Software please contact Molly or Jaymie or visit www.HiredHandSoftware.com today.