Molly Clubb
| Feb 12, 2013
We're very proud to announce that the website for T&M Longhorns is live following one day of hard work at the 2013 Hired Hand Huddle.
"Who knew that attending a 1-day Hired Hand Huddle would have enabled us to get our site live after months of "working" on it?! We're extremely pleased to have a fully functional website (with an ultra-cool design I might add) and can't wait to feature and market our spring babies out of Super Blue Boy! Kudos to Molly and Jaymie for hosting a very informative event - I hope Darby took really good notes so we can continue enhancing and optimizing our new site! Thanks for everything." said Mel McCelvey.
T&M Longhorns does not stand for 'Time & Measurement" or "Time & Materials" but rather both proprietors, Thomas and McCelvey as well as their motto..."Time and Money." Mel jokes that someone much wiser than her once said "Poor people spend time to save money; Rich people spend money to save time. As with many ranchers, it seems as though we usually have time or money...our goal is to have both, so be sure and check out our sale page to help us with our quest."
The mission of the T&M Longhorns breeding program is "Raising Texas Longhorns...Big 'N' Horny ('n' colorful)! Darby and Mel aim for correct and solid conformation, interesting and loooooooong horns along with diverse and unique coloring. You can learn more about the breed and its history on their Lore pages. T&M is also proud ot market Texas Longhorn beef.
Hired Hand would like to thank Darby and Mel for attending the Huddle and for putting so much thought and energy into getting their site live in one day. Goes to show how easy Hired Hand is to use and how quickly it can assist putting a plan into place for marketing your program on the world wide web.
Kudos also to Mel on coming up with the design for T&M on her own!
Visit today.