Molly Clubb
| Dec 18, 2012

Hired Hand is proud to announce the date for its Second Annual "Huddle." The one-day learning event will be held on February 9, 2013 at the Tarrant Co. College Campus in Fort Worth, TX. The Huddle is a FREE event to anyone wishing to learn more about Hired Hand website and internet marketing.
This year, the Huddle will have a game show theme. Attendees will find themselves as contestants on such popular game shows as The Price is Right, Jeapordy!, Deal or No Deal, Wheel of Fortune, Family Fued and more. It will be a fun way to learn more about Hired Hand and also network with your fellow Longhorn, Deer and Horse breeders.
2012 Huddle Attendees had wonderful things to say about this day-long event.
"Thanks for having this event. I learned so much from you girls! Looking forward to next year!"
"We're so glad we came to your event. We've seen an increase in traffic to our site since we made the changes you suggested. Thanks again!"
We hope that you'll make plans to attend the Hired Hand Huddle. You can RSVP by emailing us at: or on Faceboook on our events page. Watch for more information coming soon on our Blog, website and eblasts as well.
For more information contact Molly ( or 319-269-8903) or Jaymie ( or 319-239-2662)