
A Baby Named Facebook?!?

by Molly Clubb | Sep 18, 2012

So I was on Facebook today (the irony) and saw a friends post about a couple who named their baby Facebook! I instantly thought "you're kidding me." Then, I did some digging. Turns out naming your baby Facebook is a pretty popular trend these days. Check out this article if you don't believe me (

So this got me thinking about what a phenomenon Facebook really is and how many people it really reaches. I did a few searches and came across this great infographic from that has been posted by a few other bloggers as well. It’s really hard to not fall of your chair at some of these stats. Those that said that Facebook is just a fad may be rethinking their stand on the matter. It's hard to imagine that there's not a smart way for every single person or business to use this as a helpful marketing tool. Check it out!

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