Jaymie Feldmann
| Jan 17, 2011
What is a Meta tag?
Meta tags provide additional information about a web page. The "Description" tag in particular is important because it can have a direct impact on your search engine ranking and your click-through rate. The "Description" tag provides search engines with a summary of the web page. This text may then be used when search results are displayed to a user (See image below).

If you do not provide a description the search engines will grab other text on the page to display or no text will display at all. By not have a good description you could be affecting whether or not a potential visitor clicks on the link.
How do I update the "Description" tag?
Updating the Description tag is as easy as updating the "Page Title" on the web page which we discussed in last week's entry. However, instead of populating the "Title" you will add text to the "Description" field.

I would recommend limiting the description to a few sentences. Think about what might entice a potential visitor to click on the link.
Hired Hand also allows you to set this information on your active animals. Go to your "My Animals" view in the admin system and select the animal you want to update. Click on "SEO" (See screen shot below). Lastly, update the "Description" on the "SEO" page, click "Save", and the "Description" tag is updated.

So login and update the "Description" fields.
If you have any additional questions feel free to email or give me a call.
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