#DayOnTheRanch with Cut, Copy & Paste

If you follow us on social media, you've probably seen our resident cows, Cut, Copy, and Paste (they're figurines). They were getting a little bored sitting in our Iowa office, so we started sending them off on adventures all across the country! Cut, Copy and Paste like to visit Hired Hand customers and spend a few days at their ranch learning about the ranch's history, day-to-day operations, and meeting their animals.

The overall goal with #DayOnTheRanch isn't just to have fun with Cut, Copy and Paste (although, it is pretty fun), but is to create as much promotion for our customer's ranches and animals as possible. Each adventure is a chance to meet a new breeder and learn about how their ranch operates. You can follow CC&P's adventures on our Instagram and Snapchat as well as read about their experiences on the Hired Hand Blog.


Want to host their next adventure?

If you're interested in hosting #DayOnTheRanch at your establishment, we would love to hear from you! Please submit your information in the form below and we will get back to you soon.

Anything else you'd like us to know about you or any additional questions