
JBR Longhorns, Home Branch Ranch and JC Texas Longhorn Ranch

by Laura Huff | Nov 13, 2015
Take another look at three of our newest Longhorn websites: JBR Longhorns, Home Branch Ranch and JC Texas Longhorn Ranch. All three designs are very different, as are the herds the websites display. Read a little about the owners and then visit the links to learn more about your fellow Longhorn breeders.

JBR Longhorns
Template, Buckaroo
Jim & Becky Rombeck, Rice County, Kansas
Justin & Amanda Rombeck, Marshall and Pottawatomie Counties, Kansas

JBR Longhorns-home

JBR Longhorns

Back in 1997, the Rombeck family began their Longhorn operation in Kansas. Five Heifers and one bull gave way to the program JBR Longhorns has become today. They continue to focus on embryo transfer as they put their knowledge of pedigrees and breeding to use on their herd.

JBR Longhorns-animals

The Rombecks are sure to be present at as many longhorn events as they can every year. They enjoy catching up with other breeders and meeting new friends at these industry activities. They also love to share their experience with Texas Longhorns to help other programs reach new levels of success.

Home Branch Ranch
Custom, Buckaroo, Up to 100 Active Animals
Ricky McLeod, Manning, South Carolina

Home Branch Ranch-home

Home Branch Ranch-herd

Home Branch Ranch began a few years ago by Ricky McLeod, who had previously raised only Brangus cattle and horses. Ricky has built his program year by year and has caught on quickly to successfully keeping Longhorns. In fact, this ranch is the only in all of South Carolina that houses Registered Texas Longhorns! 

Home Branch Ranch-animal

This Hired Hand website features lots of great images capturing the area as well as some of the animals at Home Branch Ranch. Take a minute to learn more about this Longhorn 'pioneer' in South Carolina!

​JC Texas Longhorn Ranch
Template, Buckaroo
Joe & Carol Wissel, Kingsbury, Texas

JC Texas Longhorn Ranch-home

JC Texas Longhorn Ranch-herd

The Wissels were enchanted by the overall look of Texas Longhorns, the colors, size and, of course, the horns. In 2000 they decided to try their hand at raising some of their own Longhorn cattle. Once calves were born on the ranch, Joe and Carol knew they couldn't turn back!

JC Texas Longhorn Ranch-animal

15 years later the couple still feel excitement and pride for every animal on their ranch. The JC Texas Longhorn Ranch website displays that enthusiasm even on the homepage, which features some close-ups of some new calves in the herd.

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